Beating back a new wave of opioid overdoses

The Washington Post recently had a thought-provoking conversation with Mary Bono about the resurgence of opioid overdoses, a crisis that continues to devastate communities across the nation. Mary, a long-time advocate for drug policy reform and widow of the late Sonny Bono, has been at the forefront of efforts to combat substance abuse. She expressed […]
Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse holds 2024 west coast Humanitarian Awards

Approximately 80 invited guests sipped cocktails and savored a three-course dinner at Wally’s Desert Turtle in Rancho Mirage while listening to some very heartbreaking stories about fentanyl use. The event was Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse’s (MAPDA) 2024 west coast Humanitarian Awards, held April 25. MAPDA was founded by Janet Janes and The Honorable Mary […]
Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse to honor Rep. Hal Rogers, R-Ky.

Washington, D.C., October 21, 2019 — Kentucky congressman Harold “Hal” Rogers, who has spearheaded congressional efforts to battle the scourge of opioid addiction, will be honored in Washington Oct. 23 by Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse (MAPDA). The non-profit, chaired by his former House GOP colleague Mary Bono, was founded by mothers who have lost children […]

The Coachella Valley, a known vacation hot spot with a lot to offer including nearly year-round sunshine, top-notch entertainment, and sporting events. But, there is a darker side. Right now, Riverside County Sheriff’s Investigators say increased fentanyl use has dealt the valley a deadly 2023. Between January and April of this year, there have been 57 fentanyl-related deaths in the Coachella […]
Emergent BioSolutions Teams Up with Boston Red Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Philadelphia Phillies, and MAPD

Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE: EBS) today announced that it is teaming up with the Boston Red Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Philadelphia Phillies, and Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse (MAPDA) to highlight the importance of potentially lifesaving overdose reversal medicines on International Overdose Awareness Day 2020. International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on August […]
MAPDA Supports Durango Police Departments’ CORE Program

June 2022 – MAPDA donated $5000 to the Durango CORE Program, a co-response program. The team responds to behavioral health crises, like mental health and substance abuse, including accidental overdoses. The CORE Program has already made an impact since launching in February. Photographed are the CORE Team, Police Cheif Bob Brammer and our Executive Director, […]
2022 Humanitarian Lunch, Washington DC

June 2022 – MAPDA held our 2nd annual Humanitarian Lunch in Washington DC, honoring Senator Shelley Moore Capito (WV) and Congressman Dave Joyce (OH). The event sold out and the attendees enjoyed a mix of great conversation and inspirational speeches. We were pleased to have attendees from our partner-organizations, CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) and […]
Safety In Schools

Palm Springs, Desert Sands, and Coachella Valley Unified School Districts have all added new ways to educate students on the dangers of Fentanyl poisoning. Also new this year, the medication Narcan, used to reduce opioid overdose is now on every campus. Learn more at KESQ/NEWS CHANNEL 3

CBS NEWS: by Kerry Breen A Colorado overdose death has been linked to a new formulation of nitazenes, a class of powerful opioid analgesics being increasingly seen in the illicit drug market. Nitazenes have been around for decades, experts told CBS News, and have been seen in multiple formulations. The person who died in Colorado had used […]
Dangerous Drug Importation Is Not a Silver Bullet for High Prices

The FDA recently approved Florida’s proposal to import drugs from Canada despite concerns over safety and available supply in Canada. In the middle of a heated presidential campaign, perhaps the political calculations outweigh evidence that importing drugs from Canada, or anywhere else for that matter, is the silver bullet that will immediately bring down the […]